My favorite piece of technology

 My favorite piece of technology is a notebook, I really love my computer because it allow for use of a lot of software applications, like photo editores, video games, streaming platforms, social media, etc.

I do use it mainly to work and play, I sporadically work taking pictures for other people or for my personal use to references for drawings or paints, so I use much Photoshop. In the other hand I play video games all time with my friends, so I use a lot Steam and Discord.

This affects positively my life, because I am a little shy, and discord allows me talk a lot with my friends since I don't see them because they do not study here. Also this allows me virtually hang out with them.

I recommend the use of this piece of technology because it is very versatile for any type of work and hobbies, there exist a lot of softwareware applications and web pages to all preferentes. And is fact that the best of all this is streamlined to computers.


  1. notebook --> cuaderno, you can say "laptop"

    there exist a lot of --> there are a lot of


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