Why did you choose this career

 When I was a child I wanted to be a fashion designer, a landscape gardener, a architect, a astronaut, a astronomer, a teacher and a archaeologist.

When I applied to university, I have with other option the career of philosophy, sociology and architecture in the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Católica. Because I like all humanista school subjects and maths, but I really loved the pure art, so finally I decided to plastic arts.

My experience in the university has been on one side very gratifying, because I have meet a interesting persons, I learn a lot of new and useful things. In the other side we have lots stoppages and the architectural characteristics and security conditions are deficients.

In the future I would like work in a cultural center or in a museum. I pretend will study cultural management in the Universidad de Chile, to I will produce cultural events.


  1. When I applied to university, I have --> When I applied to university, I had

    I have meet a interesting persons --> I have met interesting people

    we have lots stoppages --> we have lots of strikes


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