Cultura Inquieta website.

Cultura Inquieta is a spanish digital magazine about art and culture, through its various artists are exposed.

The magazine is composed for the next sections: art, photography, erotic, stimulating, thought, cinema, sustainability and life style. Also have a shop of art merchandising.

In Cultura Inquieta we find posts about artists of various areas of art, ages, cultures and periods of history. In the contemporary art area publish post about interesting pieces of art no matter if is globally famous or not.

I visit the instagram page of this magazine almost every day, and the website one time in a week.

I love this website because every time that I visit it, I discover to interesting and innovative artists and staging’s of contemporary art.

This magazine is inclusive and actually of their topics, it produces a competitions principally of micro cinema and photography for different focus.

This is a really complete culture magazine.
