
Cultura Inquieta website.

Cultura Inquieta is a spanish digital magazine about art and culture, through its various artists are exposed. The magazine is composed for the next sections: art, photography, erotic, stimulating, thought, cinema, sustainability and life style. Also have a shop of art merchandising. In Cultura Inquieta we find posts about artists of various areas of art, ages, cultures and periods of history. In the contemporary art area publish post about interesting pieces of art no matter if is globally famous or not. I visit the instagram page of this magazine almost every day, and the website one time in a week. I love this website because every time that I visit it, I discover to interesting and innovative artists and staging’s of contemporary art. This magazine is inclusive and actually of their topics, it produces a competitions principally of micro cinema and photography for different focus. This is a really complete culture magazine. https://culturainquieta.com/es/

A photograph I like

 A photograph I like is about iris flower in the field on a sunset. I like this photo because the form of light in this is very special. The rays of sun croos the translucet petals and make it seem that the petal shine. I took this picture the last year in my parents house. This photograph reminds me the warm ambience of my childhood house. My moms garden is full of different flowers, for this it is very scented and decorate with colors. This photo is mainly in nude and warms colors, this gives it a nostalgic air, but the intrusion of the sunligth transforming this in a magic scene about life and nature. I work very much with the ligth on the objects and body in my art. This picture is inspirational and emotional to my, so have all the aspects that motivates me to draw and paint representing the ligth.

My favorite piece of technology

 My favorite piece of technology is a notebook, I really love my computer because it allow for use of a lot of software applications, like photo editores, video games, streaming platforms, social media, etc. I do use it mainly to work and play, I sporadically work taking pictures for other people or for my personal use to references for drawings or paints, so I use much Photoshop. In the other hand I play video games all time with my friends, so I use a lot Steam and Discord. This affects positively my life, because I am a little shy, and discord allows me talk a lot with my friends since I don't see them because they do not study here. Also this allows me virtually hang out with them. I recommend the use of this piece of technology because it is very versatile for any type of work and hobbies, there exist a lot of softwareware applications and web pages to all preferentes. And is fact that the best of all this is streamlined to computers.

Why did you choose this career

 When I was a child I wanted to be a fashion designer, a landscape gardener, a architect, a astronaut, a astronomer, a teacher and a archaeologist. When I applied to university, I have with other option the career of philosophy, sociology and architecture in the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Católica. Because I like all humanista school subjects and maths, but I really loved the pure art, so finally I decided to plastic arts. My experience in the university has been on one side very gratifying, because I have meet a interesting persons, I learn a lot of new and useful things. In the other side we have lots stoppages and the architectural characteristics and security conditions are deficients. In the future I would like work in a cultural center or in a museum. I pretend will study cultural management in the Universidad de Chile, to I will produce cultural events.

My autobyography

 I am Angela Pizarro, I am 21 years old. I was born in Rancagua, Chile on the 2 of may, 2000. I studied in Colegio Nazareth in the primary, and in Liceo Oscar Castro on the secondary. Now I study in the Universidad de Chile.  My family is formed by my mom, my dad and my younger sister. I live with my sister in Santiago actually. My parents live on Doñihue. I do not have many hobbies, I like the confectionery, watch TV series, and my hobbie is to play computers video games with my friends, mainly of sandbox and survival type. I like listen a pop and rock music and its derivatives generes. My favorite band is Imagine Dragons. I loves the animals, especially cats, because they are very fluffy.